Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Welcome Home

A series of events that address ideas of belonging, of building compassionate communities, and of never turning down the chance of making a new friend.

Event 1: 'The Big Lincoln Soup'

Date: Saturday 6 October, 11:30-13:00
Location: Lincoln Drill Hall
Join us for lunch (soup of course!) and hear pitches from local people with big ideas for making a difference in our community.
Link: https://www.lincolndrillhall.com/shows/the-big-lincoln-soup/
Price: £5.00 per ticket. All of the money raised from the ticket sales goes to the winning pitch, which is voted for by the audience.

Event 2: Ice and Fire’s ‘This is Who I am’ (a national touring performance)

Date: Monday 8 October, from 19:30
Location: Lincoln Drill Hall
Using the verbal testimonies of refugees, This Is Who I Am is a reading that focuses on the challenges faced by LGBT people going through the UK asylum process.
Link: https://www.lincolndrillhall.com/shows/this-is-who-i-am/
Price: Tickets are free to order. Donations welcome - pay what you can.

Event 3: Maison Foo’s ‘A Thing Mislaid’ (a national touring performance). The performance will be followed by a conversation. The bar will be open and nibbles provided.

Date: Thursday 11 October, from 18:00
Location: Lincoln Drill Hall
Somewhere, on a nowhere road, just past adrift and before you reach astray, you’ll find two lost souls. Running. Running with a thing. A thing mislaid. A thing without a flock, looking for a place to belong. 
Link: https://www.lincolndrillhall.com/shows/a-thing-mislaid/
Price: Tickets are free to order. Donations welcome - pay what you can.
CompassionateLincoln was born three years ago of the refugees crisis. This picture is of Moria Camp in Lesvos. We thought it was bad in 2016, now it is very far beyond bad.