Friday, November 2, 2018

The Warm Rail is in desperate need

Can You Help?

The Warm Rail is desperately in need of warm MEN’S clothing - coats, jumpers, socks, hats, gloves. The nights are getting very cold now, and the need is great.
Also - we need sleeping bags too, if anyone has any they don’t need any more.
Please drop off at the Nomad shop on Waterside South if you’re able to help.
Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Big Soup 6 October 2018

Lincoln Drill Hall was buzzing on a rainy October Saturday with live music in the café bar. Venture through to the auditorium, as some forty people did, and there were tables set out ready for soup.

This was the latest in the Big Soups organised by CompassionateLincoln. About half of those present had never been to a Big Soup before, and so Jan Kemp outlined the process:

“The formula is simple: 5 x 5 x 5 - Buy a £5 ticket - Hear pitches of no-more than 5 minutes in length - Dig a bit deeper with 5 questions from the audience. Once all the pitches have been made, lunch will be served and audience members can discuss the ideas they’ve heard - which one will make the most impact? which is the most exciting? which do we want to support the most? Then we vote! The winning pitch will receive all the ticket money from today’s event to turn their idea into a reality.”

First up was Let Them Eat Cake ( who had been one of the winners at the previous Big Soup and they came along to report on how they had spent their winnings. Each weekend they go around the city centre to visit those people who are sleeping rough – they think that there could be as many as fifty altogether. They take with them supplies of what people might need and they had bought a trolley that could carry everything and withstand the cobbles of steep hill.

We then had the pitches.

The Wellness Network ( - a group of small businesses linked to health and wellbeing, which are uniting to provide free or very low-cost treatments, therapies or activities to those who otherwise would be unable to access them. The project is aimed at people with mental health problems but who are having to wait for currently up to five months to access treatment. The aim is to provide something positive during that long waiting period. The pitch was for funding for an on-line calendar.

Winter Hotties - a project that will kick-start the addition of hot-water bottles to the Warm Rail, so that they can be picked up by those who are homeless or rough-sleeping, and then get filled by participating organisations or businesses in the city. A number of cities around the UK have set up similar schemes to offer some measure of warmth to people rough-sleeping in the cold weather. The pitch was for the cost of hot-water bottles and covers. (The Warm Rail will soon be available again, this winter from the Nomad Shop on Waterside South.)

The Carousel Circus School - free taster sessions for those interested in learning a wide variety of circus skills, run by professionals, and to be held at the Drill Hall on 24 October. ( The pitch was for some funds to help pay for the travel expenses of the circus professionals who are coming from across the country. Lincolnshire is one of the few places that currently has no access to teaching circus skills, something that is both popular among young people but also beneficial in terms of growing their self-confidence.

We then ate delicious soup courtesy of Café Shanti, talked about the pitches, got to know each other and voted. The Wellness Network Project came first, with the other as two equal second. Thanks to sponsorship from the University of Lincoln, all of the projects went away with some funding.

The next Big Soup will be in the New Year.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Warm Rail is back!

The Warm Rail is back!
After the disaster that befell the Warm Rail last winter, we worried that we wouldn't be able to replace it. But thanks to our amazing Warm Rail Builder, Sam, and our friends at the YMCA shop, we now have a new rail and a new home for it.
There is one big difference - the rail will only be accessible during the opening hours of the YMCA shop on Waterside. But it means that it won't be vulnerable overnight, and it is still accessible for all you lovely people who donate to it so generously!
All donations are now gratefully received - jumpers, coats, gloves, scarves, socks...

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Welcome Home

A series of events that address ideas of belonging, of building compassionate communities, and of never turning down the chance of making a new friend.

Event 1: 'The Big Lincoln Soup'

Date: Saturday 6 October, 11:30-13:00
Location: Lincoln Drill Hall
Join us for lunch (soup of course!) and hear pitches from local people with big ideas for making a difference in our community.
Price: £5.00 per ticket. All of the money raised from the ticket sales goes to the winning pitch, which is voted for by the audience.

Event 2: Ice and Fire’s ‘This is Who I am’ (a national touring performance)

Date: Monday 8 October, from 19:30
Location: Lincoln Drill Hall
Using the verbal testimonies of refugees, This Is Who I Am is a reading that focuses on the challenges faced by LGBT people going through the UK asylum process.
Price: Tickets are free to order. Donations welcome - pay what you can.

Event 3: Maison Foo’s ‘A Thing Mislaid’ (a national touring performance). The performance will be followed by a conversation. The bar will be open and nibbles provided.

Date: Thursday 11 October, from 18:00
Location: Lincoln Drill Hall
Somewhere, on a nowhere road, just past adrift and before you reach astray, you’ll find two lost souls. Running. Running with a thing. A thing mislaid. A thing without a flock, looking for a place to belong. 
Price: Tickets are free to order. Donations welcome - pay what you can.
CompassionateLincoln was born three years ago of the refugees crisis. This picture is of Moria Camp in Lesvos. We thought it was bad in 2016, now it is very far beyond bad.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Lincolnshire welcomes refugees

The Compassionate Lincoln campaign started in the summer of 2015 when the press coverage of the refugee crisis was at its height. We believe that there is enough love to go around - if we all play our part. It isn’t about ‘us’ or ‘them’, it’s about humanity and supporting those who are struggling in their time of need. Using our voices to speak up. Using our collective resources to make change. The press coverage might have lost energy but the refugee crisis is real and is still absolutely devastating.

To date, Lincolnshire County Council has refused to respond to the Government ‘invitation’ to Local Authorities to offer their support.

We know that there are massive social issues affecting our community in Lincoln and this campaign is absolutely about developing effective, community-led responses to these - we’re all working on it together through the Big Soup, the Warm Rail, the collections, raising awareness of local charities, showing our support for each other. However, we think our community cares enough to be able to support refugees too. If you had lost everything, had to run for your life, had to leave everything behind for the hope that somewhere new might be safe, wouldn’t you hope that someone would see you for you and help you to find your way?

Please sign this petition to show your support for Lincolnshire offering its help to refugees. It’s right to care, it’s important to reach out - that’s what makes a community. Let’s play our part.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

What a wonderful Big Soup

What an incredible buzz, everyone seeking out ways to support each other's project.

There has to be a winner, but thanks to The Lincolnite's sponsorship none of the pitches went away empty handed.

Compassionate Minster was started by school students who gathered round them willing teachers and parents and are determined to make a difference. They made a fabulous collection for one of CompassionateLincoln's collections for refugees. Now they have a project to invite lonely older people to afternoon teas. They have done their research: many of us can expect to live alone once we approach our mid seventies, but alone need not be lonely.

Let Them Eat Cake began an one man's response to the plight of homeless people in Lincoln. Each Saturday night of the winter groups of volunteers provide food and warmth. When the snow came, they went our every night. Next winter they now hope to provide good from the Mint Lane Cafe.

A Perfect Day is a music festival planned for 11 August for people with disabilities and their carers. The organisers have received a good deal of support from the team at Lincoln Drill Hall which runs the Butterfly Club. You can find out more and buy tickets from the Lincoln Drill Hall box office.

We received feedback from last time's winner Rhubarb Theatre on their work in care homes and also from Clean Lincoln Everywhere and Now.

Thanks to Lincoln Drill Hall for the venue and Cafe Shanti for the soup

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Find out more about CompassionateLincoln

We made a video setting out the Charter for Compassion and this tells something of our beliefs and aspirations.

More recently we asked people what they thought about the Big Soup

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Big Soup 16 June 2018

You are invited to join us for lunch (soup of course!) and hear pitches from local people with big ideas for making a difference in our community.

The formula is simple: 5 x 5 x 5 - Buy a £5 ticket - Hear pitches of no-more than 5 minutes in length - Dig a bit deeper with 5 questions from the audience. Once all the pitches have been made, lunch will be served and audience members can discuss the ideas they’ve heard - which one will make the most impact? which is the most exciting? which do we want to support the most? Then we vote! The winning pitch will receive all the ticket money from today’s event to turn their idea into a reality.

“When local people invest in the enthusiasm of others, making a positive difference becomes so much easier.” - Steve Kemp, CompassionateLincoln.

The Big Soup is organised by CompassionateLincoln - a campaign to encourage community-led action in response to the challenges our city faces: 

If you have a project for which you would like support please

The Big Soup will be held at Lincoln Drill Hall from 11.30 until 13.00 on 16 June. If you would like to come along and vote, follow this link to tickets.

We are hugely grateful to Cafe Shanti for providing the soup, to Lincoln Drill Hall for providing the venue and for The Lincolnite for sponsoring the event.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Thank you

The collection on 12 May was met by a fabulous response by the people of Lincoln.

We filled two vans and a mini with good quality items so needed by those desperate in Syria. The items brought included some Moses baskets, since, amid all the horror, life goes on.

The donations will go to Samara’s Aid Appeal, a charity that works with local people on the ground in Syria to deliver clothing and aid to the most vulnerable people in Syria. There are 27.4 million people in need of humanitarian help in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Babies, children and vulnerable adults are dying each winter because they cannot keep warm.

The items are to be sent to a town which has recently been freed from ISIS control.

So far Samara’s Aid has clothed over quarter of a million people in the Middle East.

Thank you for making such a big difference!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Collection 12 May 2018

On Saturday, May 12, Compassionate Lincoln are holding a collection day for refugees in Syria.

The donations will go to Samara’s Aid Appeal, a charity that works with local people on the ground in Syria to deliver clothing and aid to the most vulnerable people in Syria. There are 27.4 million people in need of humanitarian help in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Babies, children and vulnerable adults are dying each winter because they cannot keep warm.

The items collected on the day are to be sent to a town which has recently been freed from ISIS control.

Here is a list of items we’re collecting:
(adult, child & baby) in immaculate condition
(no used), with tags or in packaging
(polished) in immaculate condition
- Blankets, sleeping bags, sheets & towels in immaculate condition
- Duvets only if like new with no marks or stains
- Moses baskets and baby bedding
- Disposable nappies, sanitary towels & incontinence pads
- Soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes (unopened)

The collection will being held at Bishop Grosseteste University car park from 8:30am until 3:00pm.

Collection-organiser, Holly Furness said: “We know that there are lots of people in the city who continue to be really concerned about the refugee crisis and know that just because it isn’t on the news every day, the need hasn’t gone away.
“This collection is a really practical way of sending love and support to refugees and the charities working to support them so if people are able to donate the items we’re collecting it will be really gratefully received.”

So far Samara’s Aid has clothed over quarter of a million people in the Middle East. Thank you for making such a big difference!

Phil Hamlyn Williams added, "'new and like new' is really important. Refugees are just like you and me as I discovered on Lesvos.